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Automates IP link availablity - reboots the PiloT if the IP link fails. By testing wwan0 network connection provided by the PiloT board using ICMP ping
Restarts the wwan0 network connection on ping failure
The current version is experimental - seems to work but is very basic - maybe view this
as a starting point to develop a better solution

Quick start

pip install python-crontab

This assumes the PiloT project was installed in the pi@raspberrypi: home folder - the code currently has hardcoded paths

Add the cron custom job


After this [] should execute every minute


  1. consumes data due to ICMP transactions
  2. targets only wwan0
  3. runs even when another interface has priority
  4. hardcode paths
  5. sends ping via wwan0 every minute
  6. hardcoded ping server address
  7. hardcoded tested interface
  8. hardcoded ping rate


Further stuff

list all the jobs from the command line

crontab -l

Remove all cron jobs


J Thompson 2022